Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Stealing

At the suggestion of my "old friend" Dave, I have decided to participate in Sunday Stealing!!
Sunday Stealing: The Very Late Meme
Cheers to all of us thieves!

1. Make a list of 5 things that you can see without getting up:

My dog, Shanti who is snoring on the rug.
A basket of laundry that needs to be folded and put away
My husband doing dishes (if I wait long enough, maybe he'll fold said laundry!)
The television -tuned to Sirius music
Oh my god shoes!

2. How do you style your hair?

Ugh...really? Typically I straighten it and pull it up. Hair around my neck drives me nuts.

3. What are you wearing now?

OU shirt, "peace" pajama bottoms and non-matching slippers (don't ask)

4. What's your occupation?

teacher - 8th grade English and gifted/talented

5. What do you hear right now?

water running/dog snoring/music

6. Who was the last person you hugged?

The Dawsonator- I'm sure he wanted money

7. What is/was for dinner?

We should probably ask whoever is cooking...

8. What did you do today?

My Sunday routine- sleep in, breakfast, laundry, and procrastinating. I need to go up to the school and get things ready for this week, but I haven't yet.

9. Dog person or cat person?

Sea monkey person

10. If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?

Probably something that ended with Trump, Rockefeller, Winfrey, or Gates, but only if I get the perks that go along with it

11. What was the last thing that you bought?

sparkly black Tom's shoes!!

12. If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Someplace sunny and warm with a white, sandy beach and unlimited rum

13. Where do you see yourself in five years?

This chair is pretty comfy

14. Where's your birthmark?

Right lower leg

15. What are you doing this weekend?

Mostly answering texts from my nutty friends in OKC :D

16. Which book are you reading at the moment?

A Tale of Two Cities

17. The last movie you've seen?

The Town w/Ben Affleck - yummy

18. What are you doing tomorrow?

Tomorrow I get to spend the day in professional development with my teacher peeps


  1. "Old friend" huh? By the way, what kind of name is Shanti for a dog?

  2. Yes, "Old friend"...isn't that how you referenced me in your post the other day??

    And it's a black dog. Jemima seemed a little racist.
